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防晒妆前乳 SPF35 PA+++

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    护肤 / 亮肤 / 防晒

    - 具有自然提亮效果的底妆
    - 强力防护 UVA/UVB 射线
    - 美丽、健康、有光泽的肌肤
    - 紫色蓝菊烯具有舒缓、保湿功效

      What it does

      01. 明亮清晰
      - 缩小毛孔,打造精致哑光妆容
      - 质地轻盈、湿润,外观清晰

      02. SPF35 PA+++ 防紫外线
      - 顺滑涂抹,打造贴合肌肤的妆容,同时提供针对 UVA 和 UVB 的保护。
      - 矿物防晒霜 + 化学防晒霜

      03. 自然完美
      - 具有自然、精致、亮丽的色调
      - 保湿底妆,为完美妆容做好准备

      04. 注入植物成分
      - 舒缓:98.5% 纯蓝花烃、紫苏叶提取物
      - 滋润柔滑:甜菜碱

      Key ingredients

      蓝菊烯 - 通过强化皮肤屏障保护皮肤免受损害

      紫苏叶提取物 - 促进胶原蛋白分泌,可恢复肌肤活力,防止衰老迹象

      甜菜碱 - 从甘蔗、甜菜根等植物中提取的植物保湿因子,是一种亲肤性极佳、吸收效果好的成分。为肌肤补充水分,帮助控制油水平衡,防止皮肤干燥

      芦荟叶提取物 - 芦荟是生命力旺盛的百合科植物之一,含有约 300 种成分,包括维生素 A、C、D、E 和 B12、氨基酸、芦荟素等,为肌肤提供充足的营养,让肌肤充满活力。此外,芦荟还能保护和滋润敏感和受刺激的皮肤,让肌肤长时间保持滋润

      尿囊素 - 从植物中提取的天然成分,包括锯齿橡树、紫草根、甜菜、小麦草,无刺激,适合敏感肌肤或婴儿肌肤。它有助于增强皮肤屏障和保湿功能,保护受刺激的皮肤,使干裂粗糙的皮肤变得光滑柔软

      How to use


      Full ingredients

      水、乙基己基甲氧基肉桂酸酯、丙二醇、环戊硅氧烷、乙基己基水杨酸酯、二氧化钛、环己硅氧烷、丁二醇、氧化锌 (CI 77947)、聚甘油-4 异硬脂酸酯、PEG-10 聚二甲基硅氧烷、氢化 C6-14 烯烃聚合物、十六烷基 PEG/PPG-10/1 聚二甲基硅氧烷、十六烷基乙基己酸酯、甜菜碱、甲基丙烯酸甲酯交联聚合物、硫酸镁、二硬脂基二甲基铵锂蒙脱石、环甲基硅氧烷、芦荟叶汁、氢氧化铝、硬脂酸、辛乙二醇、糊精棕榈酸酯、聚二甲基硅氧烷交联聚合物、香料、尿囊素、苯基三甲基硅氧烷、愈创木薁磺酸钠、甘油、苯氧乙醇、生物糖胶-4、柠檬酸、山梨酸钾、紫苏叶提取物、苯甲酸钠

      Safe ingredients promise

      我们的产品清洁、无残忍、不含对羟基苯甲酸酯,并且不使用刺激性成分、防腐剂和人工色素。我们的包装采用环保的 FSC 认证纸张,以支持可持续的森林管理和保护。

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      Dual Fence Technology

      Using a dual UV filter system with oil-soluble UV filters that dissolve well in oil and watersoluble UV filters that disperse well in water

      1) Provides long-lasting protection for the Skin

      2) Attracts moisture from the external environment, enhancing skin hydration

      Key Ingredients

      • SCAI-HA 5,000ppm

        SCAI-HA 5,000ppm

        Compresses the amount of moisture equivalent to high molecular weight hyaluronic acid into low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, delivering a large amount of moisture deep into the skin.

      • Ultra Ha-G 10 1,000ppm

        Ultra Ha-G 10 1,000ppm

        Supplies moisture to the skin epidermis with 10 types of hyaluronic acid raw materials, helps prevent moisture evaporation, penetrates into the basal layer and upper dermis to recharge moisture, and aids in collagen synthesis.

      • Perilla Exosome®

        Perilla Exosome®

        - More effective in reducing inflammatory factors, promotes cell growth and regeneration, increases collagen production compared to general eucalyptus & perilla extract (patents for moisturizing, skin soothing, anti-inflammatory, cell regeneration, and wrinkle improvement)

      • Niacinamide


        Whitening functional raw materials notified by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety
        - Contains the maximum content notified
        - It has the effect of reducing the movement of melanin pigment to the epidermis.
        - Helps control sebum production and pore elasticity
        - Helps relieve skin troubles by reducing skin inflammation

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